Cultivation & Trade

Now in the third generation, we have been successfully engaged in vegetable cultivation and trade in the Lower Rhine region. In 1927, the year of our foundation, there were numerous small family farms like ours in this agriculturally strong region with its fertile soils and productive climate. Today, we are counted among the significant partners of leading food retail chains in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Our recipe for success is rooted in the fusion of sound agricultural practices with decades of adaptability to the ever-growing quality expectations of retailers and the evolving dynamics of the market.

Kockerols: fresh from the Lower Rhine!

Our own annually cultivated total area in the Lower Rhine region is about 520 hectares of open land. In addition, controlled cultivation of vegetables is carried out in different regions depending on the type of vegetable, season, and climatic conditions.

The secret of successful vegetable cultivation lies in the right combination of factors:

  • Soil condition
  • Variety and seed selection
  • Sustainable crop rotation
  • Nutrient supply
  • Extremely careful use of only approved plant protection measures that are not harmful to health
  • Gentle harvesting methods.


Kockerols salad and vegetable production is certified according to QS-GAP, GRASP and “Regionalfenster”.
Kockerols trading company is certified according to QS-GAP, GRASP, “Regionalfenster” and IFS-wholesale.

Johannes und Gisela Kockerols GbR
Am Hauserbusch 29, 47877 Willich, Germany


Gemüsegroßhandel Johannes Kockerols
Am Hauserbusch 29, 4 7877 Willich, Germany